Bus Stop Club Policies
A white background with a few lines on it

Bus Stop Club  Policies

A white background with a few lines on it


  • Where swimming is permitted at Bus Stop Club events, the child must be able to swim independently, without the aid of flotation devices and in all depths of water. The Bus Stop Club staff may not necessarily be swimming with the child and we cannot guarantee the availability of a life guard as each location is under the control of an organization other than the Bus Stop Club. All rules of each independent organization must be followed.

  • Our goal is to ensure our Bus Stop Club families enjoy camp while maintaining fiscal responsibility to our financial supporters. If your child attends four of the five days (allowing 1 unexcused absence) your deposit will be returned. If your child does not attend at least four days of camp your deposit will be forfeited and you will be billed $40 for each additional missed day. 

  • Our funds are limited, and when families do not provide sufficient notice of cancellation, Bus Stop Club must still pay the cost as if the family had attended the special event. Therefore, a deposit will be expected (amount of deposit will vary depending on the specific event). Your deposit will be returned the day of or soon following the event. However, if there is a failure in attendance at the event after RSVPing yes (a “no show”), or cancellation is not made within seven days prior to a special Bus Stop Club event (i.e., Six Flags New England, NY Yankee Game, BBQ, Valley Cats Game, Siena Game, etc., not regular monthly meetings) your deposit will be forfeited AND attendance at the next Bus Stop Club special event will be prohibited.

  • In order for a Bus Stop Club child or family to attend a special event (activities other than the regular monthly meetings) such as summer camp, Six Flags New England, Santa’s Magical Express, etc., the Bus Stop Club child must attend at least three monthly meetings (i.e.,Oct-February/March-May).

  • Bus Stop Club’s mission is to provide support for the sibling of a child with either special needs or a chronic illness. We want to ensure that all of our Bus Stop Club participants get the most out of each session. We understand that there are times when more than one child in a family has special needs. Unfortunately, we are not always suited to accommodate a special needs sibling in his or her support with respect to his or her sibling who also has special needs. Our coordinators and volunteers advise us when a sibling’s participation in the Bus Stop Club program may be limited due to his or her own special needs. Bus Stop Club staff will help locate other possible programs that may be more suitable for families with these circumstances. 

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